3D Printing is getting common day by day thanks to the arrival of several low cost printers that are both small in size and easy to use. Now as 3D printing is getting relatively cheaper and in access to normal people different startups have emerged that are bringing up some creative ideas and adding features to these devices.
One such product is Zim, which is the first dual head WiFi 3D printer. It is a plug and play device that takes so much less space that you can keep on your working desk. It is designed for personal use and aims to take the concept of 3D printing mainstream. Zim 3D Printer has features like WiFi and Ethernet allowing users to send printing information to it both wirelessly as well as through a wired connection. It also features a refillable cartridge system, which enables users to fill the cartridge once it runs our of ink and other printing materials.
Zim 3D Printer also features an on-board micro-camera using which users can monitor the process of printing even when they are in the other room or are away from their home. Apart from letting users monitor the process or printing it also allows them to control itself using their smartphone or tablet thanks to the dedicated app which will be released in app markets.
One of the main features of Zim 3D Printer is that it has two extruders. The presence of two extruders allow users to print multi-color objects. When they are printing an object that only consists of one color users can utilize the other extruder to print support structure for the object which will be built in PVA plastic.
As stated earlier the cartridges of Zim 3D Printer is refillable. The cartridge system on this small printer loads the filaments into the extruders. The cartridges protect the PVA plastic from moisture so it does not get ruined. The cartridges are available in rainbow of colors.
This 3D printer is pretty small in size making it convenient to keep at home or at office. It has a print volume of 205 cubic inches and is capable of printing objects at a speed of up to 110 mm/s in both PLA and ABS materials. To make printing convenient for the users it features 20 printing modes that range from standard mode to expert mode. Each with different configuration depending on the user’s expertise.
Internally Zim 3D Printer is as powerful as it looks outside. It features a 1GHz ARM processor along with 1GB of RAM. It is based on Linux PC board. Many features of this 3D printer are based on the work done by the OpenSource community including Linux, VLC, Meshlab and several others.
Currently Zeepro, which is the company behind the Zim 3D Printer project is seeking funding at Kickstarter. You can contribute to the project and get one for yourself by pledging $599 or more to this project. The early bird slot will guarantee you a Zim in March, 2014 whereas others will get this printer on your doorstep in the month of April. Learn more and pledge to this project here.