One of the most annoying experiences of using a smartphone outdoors is they run out of battery and it gets even worse when you don’t have access to any power source and want to make an urgent call. Sure there are many third party accessories available in the market that allow users to extend the battery life and even double it. But the problem with most solutions is that they are bulky and not very portable. To solve this problem there is a new accessory in town called the Fuel Micro Charger.
Fuel Micro Charger is the world’s smallest external battery for smartphones that provides extra charge to your smartphone when you run out of power. It is just larger than the size of a coin and can be placed in pocket, purse, or in keyring. The device provides a long battery life and is fully rechargeable. The Fuel Micro Charger is produced by a company called Devotec and is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. It features a 220 milliAmp hour battery that provides an extra charge time of 20-30 minutes, which is enough for you to make that urgent call or sending a few emails and messages. It provides a standby time of a few hours and can go through at least one month without a charge.
Not just call or email the Fuel Micro Charger provides enough battery power using which you can use maps or GPS to check your current location in case you are lost. It is just 1.3 by 0.9 by half an inch in size and goes into the keyring, which makes it super easy to carry around. And thanks to the fact that it goes in the keyring you will never forget it in your home.
Fuel Micro Charger comes with a charge cable with an AC micro-usb port. It features a power button that can be switched on and the device can be plugged into the phone. When the charger is connected it starts charging the smartphone until it runs out of battery. According to its Kickstarter page the Fuel Micro charger supports Android, Samsung, LG, Sony, Motorola, Nokia or Blackberry phone. Unfortunately it does not support the iPhone yet but will in the future.
If you want a Fuel Micro Charger for yourself then you can get one by pledging $15 or more to the project here.