The shift to greener energy solutions is inevitable and sooner we do it the better it will be for us and our coming generations. Many countries have made efforts to turn their national energy sources to green energy but not all of them have been able to achieve remarkable results.
While most countries are still far behind from where they should be Denmark is setting an example for the countries of the world. It has recently been announced that the country now gets 25 percent of its entire energy from wind turbines. Currently Denmark has one giga watt energy coming from wind turbines thanks to the recent addition of 3.6 megawatt offshore wind turbine which is now contributing towards country’s energy needs.
Although Denmark has already done remarkably well by achieving the milestone of getting 25 percent energy solely from wind energy the country’s Government isn’t satisfied and wants to double the current figures. According to a the Government of Denmark it is planning to get 50 percent of its total energy needs from wind turbines. It was only last year when Denmark said that it wants to get 35 percent of its energy from offshore wind sources.
While building more wind turbines would be helpful in achieving that goal Denmark but what’s important is that country should introduce political reforms that would be helpful in saving energy. It would also need to adopt the energy efficient technologies so that more energy could be created using less resources.
Denmark has an ultimate goal of getting its entire power through renewable energy source by the year 2050 and now it looks like the country is pretty serious about its goal and might achieve that milestone sooner than its hoping.