Tech Classic

Breaking News: Microsoft will merge with Apple = Microapple

Now this is a very Big news, I even find it difficult to write. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were working on this merger secretly….


Robotic Quadrocopter: Piano Player

Robotic Quadrocopter plays Piano, It is named “ECHO”. Switzerland is leading in Quadro research so far. I want to see a Quadrocopter cooking my food.

Video of Tennis Playing Robotic Swiss Quadrocopters

Video of Tennis Playing Robotic Swiss Quadrocopters

Rise of machines has been predicted in movies and various writings but this video is the perfect example of such predictions coming true. The Quadrocopters…


Infographic iPhone 5 Rumor Analysis

The following infographics shows the ratings and small review with each rumor of iPhone 5 which is expected to be launched in september. click the…

Tech Classic

First Ever Video on Youtube

When we talk about technology then how can we forget youtube? Well “Me at the zoo” is the very first video ever uploaded to YouTube,…


Aftermath: Japan Quake Shakes The Chip Production Globally

Disastrous earthquake and the following tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 caused widespread disaster in the country, causing several chip manufacturers to suspend production….


World’s First 3D Capture and Display Mobile by Sprint,HTC EVO 3D

CTIA Spring 2011 witnessed the announcement of two EVO products that are expected to be big news for the competitors , Sprint’s CEO Dan Hesse…


Amazing: NeoCube Puzzle with billion solutions

If you havent heard of this NeoCube untill now then you are lucky to find it here

Social Media

Super Speed Firefox 4 Unleashed

I am shifting to firefox 4 and i am amazed by it, Firefox says: “Get to your favorite sites quickly – even if you don’t…

Social Media

Twitter Five Years Old Tweets

Lets see the oldest tweets by biz and ev in celeberation of twitter’s 5th Birthday and ya i laughed when i saw this twitter song…

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